here and there

musings of a wandering mind

not trying to get anywhere

I have been much more consistent in my creative practice lately, but alas, I am shy, and so I have been putting off accountability via this blog for a while now. I know perfection will never come, so if it’s perfection I am waiting for, I’ll never share my creations. Where’s the fun in that?

The illustration and the title of this post comes from Jon Kabat-Zinn, a renowned meditation teacher. The idea of not trying to get anywhere is instrumental in meditation, as one only ever finds peace exactly where they are.

When one sits, the mind tends to keep going, so it’s healthy to remind oneself that there is nowhere to go, nothing to do. Taking part in a sitting practice (doing sitting), one learns the art of non-doing. Through diligent practice, as with most anything else, one gets better at being.

Meditation has done so much for my mental and physical well-being, and I am grateful to teachers such as JKZ for imparting the importance of being immersed in the moment at hand.

I’m doing my best to live in the present moment, and though I’ve been working at it for ages, sometimes even the concept of such evades my cognition. When my existence begins to feel uprooted, when the chaos begins to obscure tranquility, I need a reminder: just float for a minute.

I draw because it makes me feel like I’m floating (and it’s easier than meditating, lol). I hope you enjoy.







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