Category: Uncategorized
yay it has been one month of “everydays”
Today is day thirty-one! 🥳 My goal since starting this blog has been, and continues to be: A) to challenge myself creatively, B) to showcase my work and C) to loosen up, to become less of a perfectionist. So far I think I have done pretty well with all three of those ambitions. My confidence…
more eyes
Today I played disc golf for the first time! Also animated some eyes.
pull up an easy chair
just playing around
I’m beginning to bring animation into my work again after a while of focusing on static design. I like to dream up brands for companies that exist in my head, and I plan on doing more.
i’ll be over here, floating
Sometimes it takes some space, some slack, some peace, some nothingness, while the echoes lose momentum and I forget about everything except this exact moment. Right here. Right now.
head on a string
I am a Strange Loop
I feel like the title kind of says it all for this one. For anyone concerned, I had a wonderful Saturday and did not spend the entirety of it clutching my ankles. Wishing health and happiness to all beings. If that isn’t enough, read Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid. Douglas Hofstadter knows how…
This is the first time I’ve attempted any kind of everyday project. I’ve thought many times about doing 36 Days of Type, Inktober, and The Alphabet Superset. I’m inspired by people who have built their careers off doing something everyday for a year, or even more impressively, everyday for years on end. This is my…
I saw a red dragonfly today, it was perched outside my window.
head trip
Your field of vision has a floater in it. You can’t tell if it’s a particle of dust or if it’s an amoeba, but it’s lingering there, growing in size, obscuring your sight. You clearly see the edge of the abyss, an opalescent smoldering as the world shrivels away. Suddenly, you are abstraction. A fluid-like…