Here’s a little motivational image for this Monday evening.
I mentioned I’m a fan of sitting meditation. It helps me to relax my body and mind, and it allows me to know more about myself. What happens when I just stop?
Like a tightly wound rope, breathing through a sitting session helps me to let go of mental and physical tension. The more time I put into it, the more I uncover, the closer I get to tranquility of mind.
I guess I made this quick little graphic to remind myself to engage in meditation and furthermore, in life itself. As far as I know, there aren’t any other opportunities for living besides this present moment. And I know I will be the happiest if I more fully engage with everything I do.
Double black diamond? Send it. Time to meditate? Send it. Need exercise? Send it. Toilet needs cleaning? Send it.
Fully engaging in the task at hand, especially when it is not the most appealing of tasks, helps prepare us for the moments we are after.
I need this kind of reminder more often.
What do you think?
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